Cooling equipment used to keep Trenton's senior citizens cool during New Jersey's hot summers is in disrepair. City Council members are pushing for a reevaluation of how the program is managed, and possibly the formation of a foundation to provide funding and quicken repair work.
"When work needs to be done on our seniors facilities there's too much red tape," said Councilwoman Annette Lartigue. "When something breaks it is an emergency, and by definition an emergency needs to be taken care of immediately."
Councilwoman Lartigue's comments followed an announcement at the June 26 City Council meeting that the Reading Senior Center, located in North Trenton, might have to shut down because of a faulty air conditioner that needed to be replaced, according to Business Administrator Jane Feigenbaum.
"The air conditioner was in a poor condition for a long time," said Jane Feigenbaum, who said in the past there had been trouble getting the funding for the replacement. "Now it's just a question of how quickly it can get done."
Trenton residents at the meeting said this trend was nothing new with the city's maintenance of equipment.
"This city has a tendency to not take care of the things it has," said South Ward resident Patricia Stewart. "Seniors paid their dues, and if they want something they should get it."
The replacement cost of the air conditioning unit was estimated at around $75,000, but the city has delayed the work for some time because of difficulty in setting aside that small amount of money, according to administration officials.
Councilman Gine Melone said the city should take better care of its seniors, who represented a sizable tax base of middle-class residents in the city.
"There's a lack of equipment and a lack of activities, and the suburbs seem to be getting ahead of us," said Mr. Melone. "It seems the program has slipped since I got on council, and seniors are heading to the suburbs."
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Trenton Needs to Take Care of Its Seniors
Friday, June 29, 2007
Problems All Around
Mayor Douglas H. Palmer made remarks on a PBS TV show about Trenton's rich history, even saying "If it wasn't for Trenton, we would all be talking with English accents right now."
While Mayor Palmer seems to be very loud about praising the New Jersey capital's historic past, he has failed to give its historically dangerous present equal praise. Trenton's 2007 murder rate is rapidly approaching that of 2005's record totals, and people are being robbed and mugged in the street frequently.
Trenton residents frequently appear in Trenton City Council chambers, complaining of rampant violence and sometimes inept, or even absent, police coverage. Where is Mayor Palmer through all of this?
Trenton truly needs a full-time mayor that can give it constant attention. It also needs a City Council that is willing to stand up the administration, and at the very least perform its official duties. Legislation overhauling the city's housing inspections has taken nearly a year to come before council, and liaison and board seats have spent nearly a year unfilled, something that recently came up in council.
Legislation that would amend the city code's provision for a minimum number of police officers recently came up, and should be debated again at the July council meeting. This legislation must pass. Not only will it help reduce an annual million-dollar police overtime bill, but it will make the streets safer, and relieve officers who are currently overworked.
In July there will be a meeting of Trenton activists trying to develop a path of progress to help the city out of its current condition. Information can be found at
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
City Council Examines Rescuing Citizens from Crime and Financial Ineptitude
"Not to disrespect the officers out there doing the best they can, but something needs to be done," said Mr. Melone. "The cry for additional staffing has been continuous."

The ordinance would have increased the current staffing requirements as quoted in the City Code from a minimum of 270 to 290 to a range of 280 to 320.
The city is currently footing a police overtime bill that is approaching $10 million, and Mr. Melone and Mr. Coston said the funding for their proposed increase could easily come out of that bill.
"The money is right there in your overtime," said Mr. Melone. "How you’re currently allocating that money doesn’t seem wise."
Council President Paul Pintella responded to the introduction by saying the overtime problem was contractual, and he didn’t know if the ordinance would actually address the overtime problem.
"Do you believe adding officer will actually reduce the overtime bill?" added Mr. Pintella.
Mr. Melone said Police Director Santiago and officials familiar with the cost of policing had provided him with numbers about the cost of adding additional officers in the range of 50 officers — well above the number stipulated by the ordinance.
Mr. Melone stated it was his understanding 50 additional officers would have cost about $2.5 million, $1.5 million of which was salary, with the remainder being the cost of benefits.
"I don’t believe Director Santiago said that," said Business Administrator Jane Feigenbaum. "We need to do a greater analysis of hiring versus overtime.
"The department has tried to address this by hiring police aides who assume the clerical duties of the officers at a much lower cost."
Ms. Feigenbaum added that the city was currently in contract negotiations with the police unions and that this ordinance would surely affect those negotiations.
Councilwoman Annette Lartigue said the council should wait for a detailed analysis from the administration of the cost of overtime versus the hiring of additional officers.
"They should have already done an analysis," said South Ward Councilman Jim Coston. "We have a problem of folks getting shot, armed robbery, and a murder rate approaching that of the 2005 record.

"This ordinance is an excellent idea and it’s up to the administration to fulfill it."
"The public has spoken, and they want more police," he added.
After discussion the council asked Ms. Feigenbaum to provide an analysis of the costs of the proposed ordinance and the costs of overtime in the recent past, along with projected numbers in the next few years.
Mr. Coston and Mr. Melone cited the continued flight of businesses and the continued victimization of Trenton residents by criminals demonstrating the need for more police.
"Ms. Feigenbaum, the Chambersburg restaurant district lists 17 restaurants, and there are about four of those left," said Mr. Melone, referring to the continued flight of business from the city.
Due to the continued mention of crime at City Council meetings, Mr. Melone said Police Director Joseph Santiago, or at least a representative, should be present at the meetings.
"You can’t answer these police questions Ms. Feigenbaum," Mr. Melone said. "Crime is mentioned every time and the Police Director is never here."
The administration said they would provide the cost analysis at the July meeting of City Council, at which there should be a discussion and possibly a vote.
Earlier in the meeting, city resident Joe Harrison told the council about crime in his neighborhood, recalling a beating of a South American immigrant he had broken up near his home.
After police responded, Mr. Harrison said the officers were inept, and couldn’t apprehend the perpetrators who were walking around the neighborhood.
"I told them if you want, I’ll get out of my car and arrest them for you," said Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Harrison’s mother said she had observed a burglary in the early morning recently, and police never responded to their calls.
"Crime is down, crime is down, that’s all Santiago says," said Mr. Harrison. "When he was in Newark, they said crime was down too, and it went right up after he left."
Friday, June 22, 2007
Budget Passes but Core Problems Remain
The NJ State Budget passed well before the constitutional deadline this year, avoiding last year's week-long government shutdown.
Despite the seemingly easier job it was to pass the budget this year, the deep-rooted problems of NJ's obsolete property tax system remain, with little prospect of resolution.
A solution probably won't come from an administration where the governor can't even buckle his seat belt or a legislature that can't even pass a complete ban on double-dipping practices without protecting those who are currently robbing the public through double jobs and double pensions. New Jersey's heavy reliance on property taxes to fund school districts and its outdated school funding formula pose quite a problem. While some say rethinking the state aid formula - which is five or six years old - is the solution to relieving school funding and therefore taxes, this solution misses the point.
Where does state aid come from? Taxes. So basically this solution, offered by some, would have us create a new formula for state aid, and then use that money to offset some of the property tax bills.
They say this would be especially helpful in school districts like Montgomery Township in Somerset County, where school budget reports demonstrated an 86 percent reliance on property taxes to fund schools, translating into an average tax bill of around a bajillion dollars for the average house, assessed at $500,000.
But wouldn't this form of relief mean taxing more in the form of the state taxes that are the source of this state aid? This is simply substituting one tax for another.
While some would surely benefit from this change over, the overall effect would be minimal, bringing us back to square one.
Maybe the solution is like many others are doing...stay in town while your kid is in school, and then hightail it for the Outer Banks upon high school graduation...
Rent Stabilization Board
According to testimony given by city officials Tuesday, a body that will be crucial to fighting the war against slum landlords only meets when it actually has cases, as opposed to regular meetings.
This important weapon in the city's arsenal - which ensures that housing inspections fines aren't passed along to renters - is a body known as the Rent Stabilization Board.
This body has the ability to hear complaints from tenants when their landlords unfairly or illegally raise rent in a manner not stated in the lease agreement or with a lease than contains more than a three percent annual increase, as allowed by law.
One problem with this - and other measures meant to protect renters - is that residents probably don't know about it, or think it no longer exists. Having a regular schedule of meetings would make its presence better known within the community, and probably shore up its ability to protect renters.
This in turn would lead to more effective inspections, more effective enforcement, and eventually better quality housing as landlords made the decision that better upkeep of residential units is less costly than facing fines from the inspections department.
Going right along with this reasoning is the ordinance that Councilman Coston circulated in City Council this week, which would have increased inspections from every five years to every year.
This every five years is a joke. A landlord could rent out a house, let it fall to complete shambles, and abandon the property having made his money in the five years since the inspection guys last came through.
The administration's new plan for housing must include a proviso like this, otherwise Mr. Coston's revision must be passed.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Drive-by Shooting at Market Street and Broad
Sources say there was a drive-by shooting in the early morning hours Thursday at the Sun Bank ATM at Market Street and Conovers Alley. Apparently one person was struck by the gunfire. It has not been confirmed whether the target was inside a car or standing at the ATM.
...developments will follow...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Administration Does the Job of City Council and Finally Moves Forward with Housing Inspection Overhaul
The Douglas H. Palmer administration plans on presenting a comprehensive overhaul of the city's housing and inspections system, according to statements made at Tuesday's City Council meeting, to which every council member but James Coston and Milford Bethea were late.
The administration announcement came after Councilman Coston, seemingly fed up with the council's year-long delay on new legislation, handed out copies of an ordinance changing the city's inspection codes.
Beginning a discussion of the ordinance, Council President Paul Pintella said it could not move forward until there was an examination of what the changes would cost the administration and departments involved with housing inspection.
"I'm less concerned with the costs for the administration than the current cost to residents," replied Mr. Coston. "Slumlords are an issue, and we have yet to address that."
Currently, a high percentage of Trenton's housing stock is renter-occupied, with many landlords frequently making maximum profits off their tenants without investing money into the upkeep of the structures.
This process is exacerbated by the fact that housing inspections only take place every five years, instead of annually as Mr. Coston's revisions would have stipulated.
Mr. Pintella said he wanted to move ahead with an update of the housing code, except he was simply waiting to approve the schedule of meetings for the 2007-2008 City Council year.
The validity of this excuse has yet to have been established by Trenton Makes logic scientists.
According to Mr. Coston's Web site, Mr. Coston had presented this revision to the City Council before, during the WINTER of 2006. The administration then said they would put together the comprehensive overhaul of the inspections department that they have now promised again during June 19's meeting.
Apparently the presentation has been ready, and Council President Pintella simply needed to schedule it, Mr. Coston's Web site said.
It has taken this additional amount of time to perform the simple task of scheduling the presentation.
This creates a situation where it has taken a good portion of an entire YEAR for the City Council and the Palmer administration to come up with legislation that Mr. Coston came up with, by himself, many months ago.
Ending the discussion, Chief of Staff Renee Haynes told the Council that the administration would present their plans during the July City Council meeting.
In between Mr. Coston's first introduction of his revisions to the inspection code, and the July 2007 meeting of City Council at which the presentation will take place, numerous properties have probably been damaged or destroyed because the greed of slum landlords operating within the city of Trenton.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Unilateral Mayor
There are rumors swirling once again about the executive branch of the City of Trenton moving forward with actions that normally require the advice and consent of the City Council, at least in normally functioning municipalities.
In these unsubstantiated reports, a candidate selected by Mayor Douglas H. Palmer has received a letter from the mayor offering the position of Deputy City Clerk, in a move that was not reviewed by the City Council.
The anonymous source said the letter was dated June 7, and gave June 18 as the start of the position, if the candidate accepted it.
Up to this point, it seems that no mention of this nomination has come before the City Council at any of their recent meetings.
Trenton Makes representatives were at the last City Council meeting, which the mayor attended.
He made no mention of this move.
Currently, Penelope S. Edwards-Carter fills the position of Acting Deputy City Clerk, but she is actually the real City Clerk, as City Clerk Anthony Conti continues a leave of absence following his retirement announcement last winter.
Despite her city job she currently resides outside of the city with Mayor Palmer’s blessing, according to officials familiar with the situation.
While sources say Trenton tradition points to the appointment of a clerk out of the current City Council, removing one of those members would remove the current "rubber-stamp" nature of that body.
After careful legal review, it seems that the Code of Trenton is ambiguous about the specific appointment procedures for the Deputy City Clerk.
However, there is a portion of the code that states appointment procedures for positions not spelled out within the Code should be appointed with the "advice and consent" of the City Council.
This proviso would seem to mean that this letter and the selection of a candidate should have already come before City Council.
While this candidate has not been officially put for review by the City Council, sources say some of the members do know about the nature of the offer and the candidate, specifically Council President Pintella.
Perhaps this unofficial review and the keeping of the rest of the council in "official" darkness is because Mayor Palmer doesn’t need their official consent.
The majority of the current City Council has a long record of approving Palmer appointments and ordinances without much fanfare, usually in the form of 5-2 and 6-1 votes.
Developments will follow....
Friday, June 15, 2007
...It is amazing me how my complete view of the situation of this city is coming together after living here for only four months (that have gone by quickly), but more and more, I am getting an idea about how some of the powers that be have perpetuated a situation of poverty and reduced possibilities that have helped their political careers. They have elicited the help of a corrupt police head, an inept business administrator, stupid policies, and a City Council where it seems some members owe their positions to political patronage.
Parts of the current legislative branch of the city of Trenton have gone along happily with this process over the years.
These policies have not only helped this faction's political career, but enslaved a new race of Trentonians to a life of abject poverty.
Along the way they have wasted taxpayers' money, wasted the aspirations and dreams of people across all colors, and ruined people's views of each other.
This situation is pathetic for a state capital; in fact it probably distorts views of the entire state as a whole.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Once again I was driving through the eerie place that is downtown Trenton in the evening or at night. Not a soul about, just the occasional police cruiser patrolling the streets or sometimes a bum sitting, staring blankly into the misty night.
I went to the Trenton Public Library, thinking I might as well check out what the struggling system actually looks like.
It didn't look like a place that should struggle to keep someone at the helm.
It really wasn't bad. Several floors of books, relatively decent computers, and there were actually about 50 people in there only a half hour before closing...probably more people in there than were out in the downtown district at a pretty early time of night - 8:30 p.m.
There is a definite problem in a regional city when there are more people in the library that's about to close than there are in the downtown business district. Something is wrong! The administration and the City Council need to take steps to encourage downtown businesses staying open later!
Tax abatements, incentives, public relations campaigns...something has to be able to get people to come into the downtown area to spend their dollars at night. Perhaps the city could offer free transportation into the business district from the surrounding municipalities. If the businesses knew people were coming, they could be convinced to stay open a little later. The businesses on South Warren do this for Trenton2Night.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Santiago's Past!?
I have always heard the grumblings and moanings of Trenton police officers and residents about the crooked past of the police director, Joseph Santiago. I didn't know how truly crooked the man was until I read an editorial from
This man is really, really crooked and should not be in any sort of public position, let alone the several high-level police positions he has held.
According to the editorial, Mr. Santiago was convicted of punching a corrections officer, apparently because he thought the man was hitting on his wife, according to a source familiar with the incident.
He wouldn't have even been able to join the New Jersey State Police, but because the position he received was a political appointment, he got the job.
The editorial also said Mr. Santiago ran an "off-the-books" police organization that operated in violation of several state laws. It goes on to say he failed to pay his taxes on firms involving security that he ran concurrently during his police jobs in the Brick City.
The editorial says a confidential informant revealed Mr. Santiago's dealings with the Genovese crime family the very day since disgraced Gov. McGreevey nominated Mr. Santiago for the State Police position.
There were other incidents cited in the North Jersey Media Group article, including transgressions involving attending politically-themed parties for Mayor Sharpe James (who may be facing indictment soon) and lawsuits brought by troopers accusing him of retaliation because of the troopers' involvement in investigations of his sordid past.
This same incident precipitated his resignation from the State Police, according to the North Jersey Media Group.
All this adds up to bad news for Trenton's residents and police officers. In fact, it seems a CONVICTED criminal is sitting at the top of Trenton's massive police force, ruling with an iron hand that many officers fear.
City Council
Trenton City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to give Trenton-born Dan Brenna and his company, Capital Real Estate Group, sole development rights to the redevelopment area around the Trenton Train Station.
The Trenton Train Station is currently undergoing a $75 million renovation that, along with the planned development announced Tuesday, is part of what Trenton Mayor Douglas H. Palmer called one of the city's seven "priority projects."
Mr. Brenna presented his preliminary plans for the area at Tuesday's City Council meeting, saying he currently controls 75% of the footprint of the redevelopment area through outright purchase or advanced negotiation.
Mr. Brenna led off the presentation with a graph showing Trenton's population shifts, including an increase during 100 years of a manufacturing economy and decline during the change to a service economy following World War II, and stabilization during the term of Mayor Palmer.
"It's no coincidence that the greatest period of stabilization came during the Palmer administration," said Mr. Brenna.
Mr. Brenna said he believes the forecasted population increase in New Jersey means there will be a need for more office and residential space, something that Trenton could capitalize on.
"This is a unique moment in Trenton's history," said Mr. Brenna. "We can reignite another boom in the city."
Mayor Palmer also remarked on the favorable climate for a transit village, especially considering events transpiring in surrounding municipalities building similar facilities.
"Unlike some municipalities, we welcome development," said Palmer. "While they fight, we'll work."
Mr. Brenna said he was seeking unanimous approval for a one-year designation of development rights to the area over the next year, and he received it after minimal questioning from the City Council.
Several of the members simply wished him luck and praised his efforts.
Councilman Segura said he supported the project 100 percent, and Councilman Bethea asked if the project was viable in the face of the attraction of the "sun belt" and outsourcing.
Councilman Coston asked if the project would be mainly commercial and if it would include housing, and Mr. Brenna responded by saying it was mainly commercial, with the hope that the commercial development would cause residential development around the project.
Council President Pintella asked for a construction cost estimate and Mr. Brenna said it would roughly cost hundreds of millions of dollars, and could possibly begin in three years.
Douglas Palmer said the administration would work on plans that were acceptable and then return in a year or so for approval.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Trenton Downtowner
Before I moved to Trenton, I read the Trenton Downtowner online with a lot of interest, simply because they published articles on very pertinent subjects in a city that I was actually interested in. They provide a glimpse of the parts of Trenton that are still functioning pretty well, despite the opinions of the people of the surrounding municipalities.
Currently the Trenton Downtowner web site shows the February issue, yet they have come out with an issue in each succeeding month since February. These subsequent issues have not been posted. Whether this is by some computer glitch or lack of funding, it really doesn't matter.
This publication should strive to keep its issues posted online, because few people actually have the opportunity to come into the city and pick it up. While it would be a great measure to put copies in downtown Princeton, Lawrenceville, and Hightstown, this probably won't happen. The next best thing is continuing to keep the copy online so people from outside of town can see what is good going on in downtown T-Town. During high school I knew nothing about the city.
The Downtowner is doing the city a disservice by not keeping their site updated, and they should strive to correct that. They are a good organ to demonstrate what is good in this town.
FYI about the Funeral and the Culture of Fear in the TPD
Received this information from a source inside the Trenton Police Department who wished to stay anonymous for fear of retribution, the reasons for which become obvious in the body of the statement:
Lie 1: The officers WERE ordered to go to Newark; Santiago stated they were not.
Lie 2: The officers DID NOT request to use A-days as Santiago suggested, they were asked by Capt Messina to use them.
Also, Capt Messina lied when he told Councilman Coston it was "standard procedure" to send on-duty personnel and city vehicles to funerals of private citizens out of town.
I can't stress enough that real FEAR runs rampant throughout the department in the sense that if you speak out about wrongdoing you will be retaliated against in some fashion. You have to understand and appreciate that fact. These officers will not speak to you, on or off the record, out of fear of being transferred to midnights and subjected to abuse by Messina. It's happened countless times in the past and it will continue to happen because Santiago allows it.
How come there is such a culture of fear operating within the police force looking over New Jersey's capital city? How can we expect a democracy to function when the police are forced into an environment where they can't speak freely about the potentially illegal actions of their leaders and our public officials? The people who brought the Police Director here should be held responsible for their decision, and if what this source says is true, then the administration must demand his resignation.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Traditions Leaving Trenton
While some parts of Trenton remain viable albeit hidden places to live, the current exodus of time-honored and cherished establishments out of Chambersburg bears investigating.
Both Marsilio's and Michele Lorie's have announced they will be closing up their businesses in the near future as the old Italian traditions of Chambersburg continue their slide into history. Lines of people could be seen at the cheesecake mecca earlier this week, as people purchased as much of the fantastic dessert cakes as they could before they would no longer be available.
These closings represent a changing of the guard in Chambersburg. While the neighborhood has obviously been undergoing a dramatic demographic shift from Italian to South American over the last decade or two, some people dismiss this as the end of the neighborhood. For sure there is a public safety problem in the district that did not exist in its Italian heyday, but this is not to say that is because of its racial makeup. That is blatant racism.
Like any other neighborhood in Trenton, the problems that have emerged are because of the continued slide into poverty that most of the rest of the city has suffered through. Adjusted for inflation, Trenton's median income has probably remained static or dropped in most districts while the rest of the county has gone through a healthy increase. This is only that natural result of years of concentrating the county's poor within the Trenton city limits, keeping low-income and affordable housing out of areas like West Windsor and Hopewell.
The leadership in Trenton has seemingly gobbled up these wealthy areas' low-income housing obligations for a fraction of the cost that the unit actually brings to the municipality where it is built. Just ask city officials and the police department who are tasked with patrolling crime-infested neighborhoods and housing projects where everyone is poor.
In a related matter, it has been said that at meetings for the proposed West Windsor Transit Village, some residents began airing racial concerns to J. Robert Hillier and his staff of architects when they spoke of the requirement of 150 affordable residential units for the proposed development, Hillier staffers said. The project is now foundering.
I wouldn't be surprised if the rise in anti-Transit Village sentiment in West Windsor has something to with unfounded fears about the inclusion of affordable housing within West Windsor city limits...
Friday, June 8, 2007
Communications Department???
I forgot to mention that I read an article on the Times update page that the communications department of the city is moving to become part of the police department, and that they will be randomly "monitoring" phone calls.
This sounds sort of fishy. What kind of government entity announces they will be monitoring phone calls? Next it will be random fingerprint checks of people coming in and out of City Hall, and maybe people having to wear badges on their clothing demonstrating their religion or political affiliation. Is this a police state in the middle of Mercer County?
The Facts
These are the facts: Police Director Santiago took four Trenton police officers and their equipment with him to Newark to take part in the funeral procession of Santiago's father-in-law. After the fact, he told the Trenton City Council that the officers volunteered to take administrative days to minimize the financial impact on the city. He also told the council that this detachment was offered to him by a police captain, seemingly Paul Messina, according to anonymous police sources.
Now, somehow it needs to be determined whether these officers were actually ordered by the anonymous Police captain or the orders came from the top. It also needs to be determined whether or not these officers voluntarily took A-days or if they were ordered to after the fact, and whether some time in the future they will given an unofficial "day off" to make up for the days they lost because of Santiago's funeral.
This will be difficult. According to anonymous police sources, most of the force is frightened to speak out against the leadership because of possible retribution, including demotion and relegation to less than desirable shifts in the middle of the night. Somehow it has to be done.
The Police Director represents the beginning of the process. The rest of the administration is the end of the process that may be beginning now.
Trenton has undoubtedly suffered under the leadership of Douglas H. Palmer. Take any resident and they will tell you the city was better in 1990 than in 2007.
Police Director Santiago represents just one facet of this misguided leadership.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
OPRA Winfreed
The gears of Trenton government ground to a halt again, with an Open Public Records Act request being denied on the basis that the documents in question do not actually exist. What documents do you ask? I attempted to obtain any orders, memos, e-mails, or anything else having to do with deployment of four police officers and their associated equipment to take part in the funeral procession of Police Director Santiago's father-in-law.
The reply I received is that such documents do not exist. This seems very odd to me. Wouldn't the deployment of officers require some sort of documentation? Did the police captain involved simply order the officers to go with Santiago to Newark?